Food & Drink | Phnom Penh Post

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Pailin farmer hits on solution to excess mangoes

27 April 2024 | 08:00

In the tranquil province of Pailin, Vouch Thuch, a local craftsman renowned for his longan wine, is venturing into new agricultural territory by creating a new wine

Chef Nak’s Khmer Cooking Contest a hit

11 March 2024 | 21:10

Gathering under the warm glow of the Chef Nak Culinary Art Centre on March 10, a home cook showcases a traditional Khmer dish, “bok kroeung khmao”, to a panel of six judges. 

Battambang ambok snack offerings soar in acclaim

09 January 2024 | 22:05

At the centre of Battambang town, there’s an intriguing depth to the local cuisine, extending beyond the simple pleasures of fish and the traditional toasted flattened rice snack, ambok.

Kratie students craft beverages, seek capital

19 December 2023 | 22:00

In the heart of their journey at the University of Kratie, Duong Mony and seven fellow students, yet to complete their bachelor’s degrees, are harnessing their skills for processing

NhamFesta brings together local and foreign foodies

10 December 2023 | 15:22

The aroma of spices, the sizzle of frying pans and the buzz of excitement filled the air at The Elysee Koh Pich, as the NhamFesta food festival kicked off