Bokor Mountain in Kampot province, is more than just a scenic destination; it's a treasure trove of natural wonders that attract tourists from far and wide. 

From majestic waterfalls to serene meditation sites, Bokor Mountain offers a wide array of unique experiences for adventure seekers and relaxed natured lovers alike.

The stone guardian

A giant stone face known as the forest caretaker, is located at the kilometre 10 marker on the road up Bokor Mountain. 

Tourists often stop here to take a break and admire the rock's eerie image, which resembles a giant human face. 

A giant stone face known as the forest caretaker, is located at the kilometre 10 marker on the road up Bokor Mountain. Hong Raksmey

“Here, visitors can see the town of Kampot during the day or at night. In the past, this giant stone was worshipped by hikers and travellers, who stopped to ask for peace," says Thoeun Bunthan, sales manager at the mountaintop’s Thansur Sokha Hotel and Le Bokor Palace Hotel.

Magnificent waterfalls

The Popokvil Waterfall is named for its two waterfalls and the floating clouds that often roll over it during the rainy season. 

This natural phenomenon attracts domestic and international tourists who come to bathe in its pools and enjoy the beautiful scenery, including the dense forest that grows on either side of the falls.

In the dry season, visitors can descend to the bottom of the waterfall to admire the rocks, which have been smoothed by the passage of water for centuries. The area provides cool shade and a refreshing pit stop for visitors.

“Here, tourists can buy Khmer food and drinks at the Popokvil Waterfall Restaurant and enjoy eating with their families,” adds Bunthan.

A fresh reservoir

A large dam, located about 5km from Thansur Bokor Hotel, is a natural freshwater reservoir. It measures 140 meters in length, 5 meters in width, and 8.5 meters in depth, with the capacity to store 440,000 cubic metres of water. 

The Sokimex Company has developed this area into a popular tourist attraction, offering activities such as kayaking, swan boat rides and fishing.

A large dam, located about 5km from Thansur Bokor Hotel, is a natural freshwater reservoir. Leang Phannara

"The lake is a beautiful place to sit. It is a romantic setting and is perfect for camping, BBQs, gathering for dances and other entertainment. Tourists especially enjoy the beautiful sunsets and sunrises here,” enthuses Bunthan.

He added that the waters of the lake and the surrounding environment are maintained with the utmost care, providing clean water for use in the mountain’s hotels.

100 rice fields

Veal Sre 100 is located just 7km from Thansur Bokor Hotel, making it easily accessible for tourists, via Kiri Techo Sen Chey Boulevard. Visitors who have never been there will be amazed at the scenery, with its distinctive “100 rice fields” stone formations. The rugged boulders divide the meadows into large rows, resembling rice fields with mud.

“Every time it rains here, you can hear the sound of frogs croaking, just like in a real rice field," adds Bunthan.

A spiritual accomplishment

Veal Sre 500 is known primarily as the site where what-will-be Cambodia's tallest Buddha statue, at 108 metres, is currently under construction.

This massive project, undertaken by the Sokha Hotel Group, aims to create a sacred site that will enhance Buddhism and boost cultural tourism in the region. 

The statue, designed in the style of the Bayon Temple, is expected to be a major tourist attraction and a spiritual landmark for both locals and visitors.

Similar to the 100 rice fields, the 500 Fields is a name given to a beautiful natural forest area, characterized by the sight of countless small and large boulders scattered throughout, serving as homes for a multitude of wildlife. The area is also adorned with wildflowers, including orchids.

“Whether traveling on foot or by motorbike into the deep forest, tourists will become intrigued by the wonderful heavenly nature surrounding them,” says Bunthan.

Natural temple

The Stone temple is located in the Veal Sre 500 area, about 500 metres from the concrete road. Here, guests will find hundreds of years-old natural boulders with a sandstone interior lined with sand. 

The "Stone Temple" is located in the Veal Sre 500 area of Bokor Mountain. The elders in the area refer to it as "Thmor Prasat". Hong Raksmey

Many of these rocks are shaped like the walls of a temple, with the upper parts as sharp as the peaks of manmade temples. Many of the rocks have unique and intriguing shapes that attract tourists.

“This is an incredible scene. The elders in the area refer to it as Thmor Prasat," adds Bunthan.

A phallic flower

The Cambodian government has called for an end to the picking of Bompong Kraloum, a tubular pitcher plant. Known by its scientific name, Nepenthes holdenii, this carnivorous plant resembles an erect penis, and is found throughout western Cambodia's mountains. 

A protected species, it is under threat by locals and tourists who often uproot them for social media photos. 

The Ministry of Environment issued a stern warning after a viral video showed women picking the plants. The ministry emphasised the need to preserve natural resources, urging people not to repeat this harmful behaviour. 

Bompong Kraloum, a tubular pitcher plant, is a protected species which is under threat by locals and tourists who often uproot them for social media photos. Hong Raksmey

“The issue highlights the broader trend of endangered plants being exploited for online fame,” said a New York Times article from May 2022.

Located in the Veal Sre 500 area, this rare flower grows just a little way in from the concrete road. 

Tourists flock to see the vine bloom, which typically takes between six months to a year. The flower eventually dies after blooming. 

When it first blooms, the flower is about the size of a bun, with closed fingertips, and stores water inside the stalk to support its growth.

“Beautiful, and worth a visit for tourists. Visitors should note that the best time to see these flowers is during the day when the sun is shining brightly, and at night when it is cool enough. When it rains a lot, they do not flower much,” explained Bunthan.

A spiritual portal

Heaven’s Gate is another of the many natural attractions that can be found on Bokor Mountain.

Two stones on either side of a path resemble a gate, earning it the name "the gateway between heaven and earth".

"Heaven's Gate" on Bokor Mountain. Two stones on either side of a path resemble a gate, earning it the name "the gateway between heaven and earth". Hong Raksmey

“It also has a deep symbolism to the journey of human life, as it represents the coexistence of happiness and sorrow. When tourists come here, they can pray to the gods to dispel evil and reclaim the good they desire from now on," says Bunthan.

Meditative qualities

Bokor Mountain also hosts two of the most revered meditation sites in the Kingdom: Veal Sre 500 and Praveang Koun. 

Praveang Koun offers a serene setting, positioned to catch the gentle breeze flowing from the surrounding hills of Kampong Speu and Kampot. 

This unique airflow infuses the air with oxygen, creating an ideal environment for meditation and deep breathing.

Bunthan attests to the popularity of these sites among tourists who seek solace in meditation and communion with nature to alleviate stress and pressure. 

“Many visitors come here regularly to meditate and commune with nature, in order to reduce stress and other pressures,” he added.