A resounding victory for Cambodian boxer Thoeun Theara, who has just recovered from a serious hand injury, over his Thai rival Pich Kvannaek serves as a crucial test as he prepares for five world competitions later this year.

The international friendly match, held at the Town Arena on August 26, saw Theara deliver the knockout blow within three minutes.

The Thai boxer's confidence was high before the fight, as he expressed his unwavering belief in victory. However, the narrative quickly shifted during the match, with Theara showcasing his prowess through precise punches and well-timed kicks, prompting the referee's intervention.

Despite Theara's impressive feat, the win left some viewers wanting more closure. Critics argued that the match lacked excitement due to the evident mismatch between the Thai boxer's abilities and Theara's skill.

Town TV pundit Kim Srun Kosal, better known as Tommy Kim, said the recent encounter had a specific focus: to strategically evaluate Theara's capabilities after a serious injury to his right hand earlier this year.

“We commend his dedication as he readies himself for the upcoming world events spanning from September to December this year, with the aim of surpassing the 501k views achieved by Kun Khmer World Champion Techo Santepheap’s match on July 26 at the Town Arena," said Kosal, also a representative of the International Professional Combat Council (IPCC).

Theara's commendable triumph stands as a testament to his hard work and resilience, as he strives to establish a new record in the world of combat sports.