A Russian envoy expressed his country's appreciation for Cambodia's responsible conduct as the coordinator of the Russia-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership, noting that Cambodia facilitated talks between the two sides over the past four years.

The remarks were made by Press Attaché for the Russian embassy in Cambodia Rafael Iangareev during an August 8 press briefing on Russia's foreign policy and recent developments in Ukraine, held in Phnom Penh.

“Russia is grateful to Cambodia for its responsible approach to its duties as the coordinator of the Russia-ASEAN Dialogue,” he said.

Iangareev noted that from August 2021 until last month, Cambodia fulfilled the duties of country coordinator for the dialogue. During this period, the Kingdom hosted several large-scale ASEAN-related events in 2022 as the ASEAN Chair and celebrated the 5th anniversary of the partnership.

“They reviewed practical cooperation within the Russia-ASEAN Dialogue Partnership and expressed support for strengthening efforts and coordination at ASEAN-centric platforms,” he added.

Ek Bunly, a researcher at the Cambodian Centre for Regional Studies (CCRS), commented on the positive reaction from the Russian envoy towards Cambodia and ASEAN, saying it was not surprising. 

He noted that Russia, currently one of the most sanctioned countries globally and facing negative perceptions, especially from the West, is keen to maintain and forge good relations with external partners and institutions.

Bunly explained that with few allies, Russia benefits from speaking positively and maintaining good relations. This is despite Cambodia’s position as a co-sponsor of the UN resolution condemning Moscow for annexing Ukrainian territories, including Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson.

He added that ASEAN is one of the few regional institutions in the Indo-Pacific that enables Russia’s participation, and isolating itself from ASEAN would not be beneficial for the Kremlin. 

“Russia has shown a more pronounced 'pivot to Asia' posture since president Putin's trips to North Korea and Vietnam. We can expect more proactive interaction between Moscow and Southeast Asian countries and institutions in the near future," Bunly said.

"However, the war in Ukraine has become a significant hurdle for Moscow to enhance its relations with ASEAN. Although pledges and pleasant words can be made on paper and in speeches, implementation is a different story. As long as Russia's hands are tied with its conflict in Ukraine, it will be hard for Russia-ASEAN relations to improve significantly in the years ahead," Bunly told The Post on August 8.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov (left) shakes hands with his Cambodian counterpart Sok Chenda Sophea during their July 25 meeting at the sidelines of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting (AMM) in Vientiane, Laos. Foreign ministry

Despite these challenges, Iangareev emphasised Russia's commitment to reinforcing ASEAN centrality in the regional security system through equitable dialogue and practical interaction.

From July 25-27, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov attended the annual ASEAN-related foreign ministers' meetings in Vientiane, Laos. 

Iangareev noted that besides his participation in the ASEAN-Russia post-ministerial conference, East Asia Summit (EAS) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Lavrov held bilateral talks with counterparts from Brunei, Cambodia, China, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Türkiye and South Korea on the sidelines of the ASEAN events.

At the EAS and ARF, Lavrov emphasised the importance of efforts to create an open and indivisible architecture of Eurasian security as one of the foundations of a multipolar international order. 

On July 25, Lavrov held negotiations with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Sok Chenda Sophea on the sidelines ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting (AMM).

"They discussed the current state and future of bilateral cooperation, emphasising dialogue in foreign policy, trade, the economy, culture and humanitarian affairs," Iangareev said.

According to a ministry press release on July 25, during the bilateral meeting, Chenda Sophea and Lavrov highly valued the long-standing bond of friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and Russia. They placed particular emphasis on the importance of elevating relations between the two countries to greater heights.

Iangareev also mentioned that starting on July 8, about 20 students from Cambodia, Brunei, Indonesia, Myanmar and Singapore spent three weeks in Moscow, attending training courses and exchanging experiences in tourism.