The orientation of the training session for vocational and technical instructors on November 12. LABOUR MINISTRY
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training held a November 12 orientation event to boost the skills of the technical and vocational instructors who will deliver the seventh mandate government’s National Training Programme, which will target 1.5 million impoverished and vulnerable youth.
Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Heng Sour emphasised the importance of the current course, as he addressed the orientation function.
He explained that the training aims to enhance the capabilities of the technical instructors who will go on to support the national programme.
He expressed his confidence in the programme’s success, comparing it with Prime Minister Hun Manet’s motto: “Learn to completion, learn to gain knowledge and secure employment”.
“The success of any training programme relies equally on its practical appeal, and the effectiveness of its teachers and management,” he said.
The initiative is set to be formally announced on November 14 by Prime Minister Hun Manet.
Pav Sina, president of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers (CUMW), expressed his support for the initiative and the orientation training.
He stressed the importance of such policies in responding to the demand of the job market, especially in terms of professional skills, productivity and income.
He pointed out the direct correlation between skill levels and wages, noting that skilled workers earn more than the minimum wage.
However, he suggested that the successful implementation of the national programme would depend on the labour ministry’s ability to strengthen its trainers.
In a meeting earlier this month with workers at Kandal province’s Takhmao town, Manet reiterated the programme’s goal of benefiting the people, especially the youth.
“We aim to teach people how to fish rather than just giving them fish. We have made provisions for night and weekend classes to accommodate working students, and have prepared a budget in the hundreds of millions of dollars for the effort,” he said.
He added that the programme will offer training in 38 skills across 10 sectors, providing a range of options for students.