Prime Minister Hun Sen urged government ministries and institutions and the private sector to recruit qualified people with disabilities into their workplaces and stop discriminating against them. He also called for expedited issuance of disability cards to them so that they can get public services and other social benefits.

Hun Sen released his message on December 3 to commemorate this year’s International Day of People with Disabilities.

“All ministries and state institutions have to encourage people with disabilities who are otherwise qualified for jobs to apply for them without discrimination including positions as civil servants, trainees and interns,” he said.

He called on all authorities to effectively implement the National Disability Strategic Plan 2019-2023 and also assist persons with disabilities with the prevention of Covid-19.

“The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation or whoever is the focal person in charge of people with disabilities in the capital and provinces – you must talk to your people at the district and commune levels and have them speed up the issuance of disability cards for all those eligible for one so we can provide them with services,” Hun Sen said.

He urged the private sector, civil society organizations, factories, and all institutions to recruit people with disabilities to work for them just like other people.

Hun Sen also urged media outlets to increase the use of sign language or captioning during broadcasts so that those who are deaf are able to understand, especially if it’s news or information about Covid-19.