New labour minister Heng Sour visit workers before having lunch with them at a factory in Phnom Penh on August 23. MLVT
On his first day as Minister of Labour and Vocational Training, Heng Sour made a surprise visit to engage with over 3,000 workers at the Meng Da Footwear Industrial factory in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district.
This impromptu interaction on August 23 saw Sour diving straight into his new role.
Sharing his day on social media, he noted: “I started by observing shoe production and then had lunch with the wonderful workers at Meng Da on Veng Sreng Street”.
“Labour ministry officials need to frequently meet workers so as to truly understand their challenges and find solutions collaboratively,” he said.
Sour highlighted the factory’s diverse workforce, which includes 160 expectant mothers and 43 individuals with disabilities.
“The workers met with [former Prime Minister] Hun Sen in 2018. And the administrative heads met with Prime Minister Hun Manet in person in May this year.
“The workers with whom I met fondly remember their interactions with [Hun Sen] and are eagerly anticipating a meeting with his dynamic successor [Manet],” he said.
Joining the workers for a meal, Sour was all praise for the “flavourful and sanitary” food at the factory. He encouraged other officials and factory managements to dine with workers regularly to ensure food quality and hygiene, suggesting it could inspire other establishments.
Pav Sina, president of the Collective Union of Movement of Workers, voiced his support for such initiatives.
He observed that Sour’s visit reflects concern and understanding for the workers, especially when the sector is navigating challenges.
Sina suggested that the new minister continue such gestures to support workers grappling with unemployment and other hardships.
“This is a brilliant way for Sour to grasp workers’ realities, address their issues and solidify the bond between the ministry leadership and the workforce,” he said on August 23.