The inaugural meeting of the working group assigned the function of overseeing the residual work of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) took place on July 3, with plans laid out to establish a legacy centre for the historic legal framework, commonly known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

The first meeting of the “Task Force for the Implementation of ECCC’s Residual Functions” was chaired by Vongsey Vissoth, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Minister of Council of Ministers, who issued instructions regarding the remaining work of the court.

Also in attendance were Keo Remy, Senior Minister in charge of Special Missions and Chairman of the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC), Neth Pheaktra, Minister of Information, and other senior officials from state institutions and the UN. 

Vissoth noted the importance of preserving the heritage of the court and announced that Cambodia will establish the ECCC Legacy Institute, as suggested by Prime Minister Hun Manet. 

The facility will serve as an invaluable archive and will share the ECCC's valuable experience and legacy in an effective, high-quality transparent way, to ensure that important memories are preserved for the next generations.

Vissoth noted that the ECCC trial process left a significant tangible and intangible legacy, which is extremely valuable for maintaining peace, national unity and justice at both the domestic and international levels.

He said that the results of the ECCC demonstrate the achievements of the government's win-win policy of maintaining peace for people across the Kingdom. It also brought about local reconciliation and justice for the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime, as well as remembrance.

When the ECCC completed its trial process at the end of 2022, if left about 2.4 million pages of archived documents.

The hybrid tribunal, established and administered by the Cambodian government and the UN, directly contributed to reforms of the domestic legal and judicial sector through the development of the capacity of judicial and legal officers in several ways. This included the transfer of knowledge, best practices and experience to the national court system, as well as other relevant institutions, noted the task force chair.

In an ECCC press release, Vissoth was quoted as saying that he considers the ECCC a model special court for the region and the world, adding that it practised both common and civil law, within the jurisdiction of the host nation.

“This reflects the part played by Cambodia's judicial process in national unification, national reconciliation and the achievement of justice for victims. In addition, it ensured the sustainability of peace to the motherland,” he said. 

"A culture of peace, national unity and justice will be pursued through concerted education and outreach efforts. This will prevent the return of the genocidal regime, ensuring meaningful development and sustainability for society and the younger generation,” he added. 

Pursuant to Article 1 of the agreement between Cambodia and the UN, the ECCC will continue to perform several functions for three years after the completion of the trial process. This includes reviewing proceedings on the final judgment and providing protection to victims and witnesses, as well as forwarding cases to the authorities should anyone give false testimony or interfere in the work of the judiciary.

The ECCC is also responsible for overseeing the implementation of sentences, monitoring the treatment of prisoners, maintaining and maintaining archives – including reclassification of all case files – and responding to requests for access to documents.

It will also oversee the implementation of compensation provided to civil parties. 

On July 1, King Norodom Sihamoni appointed Katrien Gabriel Wittleman of the Netherlands as an international judge and Japan’s Motoo Noguchi as reserve for the Supreme Court Chamber. 

The judges will work remotely, except when they are called upon for specific activities related to their functions.