The latest update from the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) has revealed that as of September 12, this year’s anti-drug operations have seen over five thousand drugs cases busted. More than six thousand arrests have been made, with more than three tonnes of illegal drugs and precursor chemicals seized.

The report, seen by The Post, detailed the 5,405 cases. They included 2,701 possession cases, for which 5,029 people were arrested, 367 of them women. In addition, 1,567 suspects – 169 of them women – were taken into custody in 716 trafficking cases. In addition, many drug users were educated or sent to rehabilitation facilities.

“Officers also seized 2,673kg of illegal drugs and 910kg of chemical precursors,” the report added.

Prime Minister Hun Manet recently called for police to redouble their efforts to confronting the issue.

NACD secretary-general Meas Vyrith highlighted that despite a proactive attitude to policing, the drug problem appeared to be on the rise.

Vyrith explained that NACD specialists are developing a data management system, which will improve the efficiency of its operations. However, he noted that development of the system was still in the early stages.

“As we are now in the digital age, we need this system,” he said.

He detailed how the system would allow for more in depth intelligence sharing.

Even as drug raids continue, the police and relevant authorities are working to educate the public about the dangers of drugs.

In Phnom Penh, workshops are frequently held in high schools and universities so that young people will have a clear understanding of the issue.

On September 12, Russey Keo commune police chief Touch Kimsong organised a seminar at Russey Keo High School to teach 67 students about the effects of drugs. He believed that the school visits were invaluable.

“If we held these events outside of schools, it would be hard to attract the youth,” he explained.

He said that while his commune had previously seen street fights, drug use and petty thefts, his officers had acted promptly to eliminate these activities and guarantee public order.