The Ministry of Health is discussing opportunities for cooperation to promote and support the development of Cambodia’s health sector with a Singaporean medical company that has nearly 40 years of experience in the field.

Minister Chheang Ra met with Sune Svenningsen, CEO of International SOS in Singapore, and his colleagues on September 19 at the ministry headquarters in Phnom Penh. The discussions centred on the provision of emergency medical services and disaster relief.

According to a ministry announcement, the minister asked the Singaporean firm to examine the possibility of cooperation.

Svenningsen explained that International SOS, with over 36 years of experience, provides a wide range of services including risk assessment, healthcare support, medical assistance, emergency evacuation, and extensive procurement of medicine and medical supplies.

The minister encouraged the firm to continue detailed discussions with ministry officials.

“Study the possibility of providing emergency services and consider cooperating with us to respond to natural disasters that affect the well-being of the Cambodian people,” he said.

He also proposed that International SOS work to develop the Kingdom’s human resources, in order to improve public health and contribute to the ministry’s goal of achieving wider healthcare coverage.

Svenningsen pledged to expand cooperation in support of the ministry’s priorities and increase the scope of cooperation in the health sector. He also agreed to encourage the Singapore Business Association to increase its labour relations with Cambodia, according to the ministry.

Ley Sopheap, president of the Medical Pharmacist and Dental Federation of Cambodia, believed the cooperation would benefit the Kingdom’s health sector.

He urged the two sides to speed up talks and formalise joint cooperation as soon as possible.

“When a company with many years of experience cooperates with us, it will raise the standard of healthcare in Cambodia, in addition to building friendships and increasing relationships in this field,” he said.