Prime Minister Hun Manet presides over the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Cambodian Army Command Headquarters on January 24. Heng Chivoan
Prime Minister Hun Manet has reiterated that Cambodia is upgrading its military in order to be better prepared for emergency response duties within the Kingdom, as well as to play its part in regional and global disaster relief and anti-terrorism operations.
Speaking at today’s celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Cambodian Army Command Headquarters, Manet explained that Cambodia’s military cannot integrate with regional forces if its capacity remains limited.
“They will not call on us to join them if we are going to be a burden. They will ask for our participation only when our capacity is similar to theirs,” he said.
He also touched on criticisms which have been made about the development of the Ream Naval Base, which some foreign officials and media have claimed will host elements of the Chinese military.

Prime Minister Hun Manet presides over the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Cambodian Army Command Headquarters on January 24.Heng Chivoan
The prime minister explained that Article 53 of Cambodia’s Constitution does not permit the Kingdom to host foreign militaries. He added that the Cambodian military cannot be present in other countries, unless under the UN umbrella.
He said he, former Prime Minister Hun Sen and former Minister of National Defence Tea Banh had each made this point clear many times already, including when he addressed the UN General Assembly.
“I want to once again reiterate that upgrading the capacity of our navy, army and air force is only being done to protect Cambodia, not for waging war with anyone,” he said.
He added that the Kingdom will continue to develop its defence capabilities.

Prime Minister Hun Manet presides over the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Royal Cambodian Army Command Headquarters on January 24.Heng Chivoan