Two UN organisations which are dedicated to labour rights and women’s empowerment are preparing to launch the first Khmer language glossary for reporting on labour migration, as well as violence against women migrant workers. Aimed at the media, the glossary aims to encourage responsible reporting.

The event, titled “Words that Matter”, will take place on November 22 in Phnom Penh.

It will be hosted by the Safe and Fair Project (SAF), a collaborative effort between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and UN Women, led by the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. 

“SAF invites attendance at ‘Words that Matter: Launch of a Media-friendly Glossary on Migration with a Special Focus on Women Migrant Workers and Ending Violence against Women,” said a joint press release by the host organisations.

The function is aimed at media professionals and organisations, and will coincide with 16 days of activism against gender-based violence. 

“This event marks the introduction of the Khmer language version of our media-friendly glossary. It aims to encourage responsible reporting on labour migration and violence against women migrant workers, fostering awareness about the importance of gender-sensitive language,” the release added.

Tailored for media professionals, including journalists, writers, reporters, producers, bloggers, researchers and other pertinent organisations, it will feature a panel discussion addressing labour migration reporting. The focus will be on challenging norms, dispelling stereotypes and empowering women workers. The overarching goal is to encourage ethical reporting on women migrants and combat violence against women.

The SAF initiative, within the ASEAN region, spotlights the rights and opportunities of women migrant workers. Aligned with the Spotlight Initiative, a global effort of the UN which is generously supported by the EU, SAF’s mission is to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.