The Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration has released an announcement urging boats and ships to steer clear of areas with underwater electricity cables.

The August 16 notice came after the state-run Electricity of Cambodia (EDC) installed electricity cable networks in Preah Sihanouk and neighbouring Koh Kong provinces. These include 22 and 35 kilovolt cables both above ground and submerged near the provinces’ islands, marking a recent official launch.

“The owners of all types of ships, boats, ferries passing through some islands in Preah Sihanouk and Koh Kong need to anchor away from the cable lane. Keep a distance of 200m from the lane buried under the sea,” said the notice.

Before dropping anchor, all ship owners should consult a map indicating the prohibited areas for fishing and docking. These precautions will help in avoiding any interference with the newly laid cables, it added.

Preah Sihanouk provincial deputy governor Long Dimanche mentioned that these undersea electricity cables run from Koh Kong to Preah Sihanouk’s Koh Rong town. They pass between numerous islands as part of the EDC’s project.

“The provincial authority is well-informed about the restricted areas, thanks to the EDC,” he said.

The no-fishing and no-docking zones begin from Darasakor Peam Kay and stretch across Koh Mneas and Koh Ta Taem in Koh Kong right up to Preah Sihanouk’s Koh Rong.