The National Election Committee (NEC) drew the ballot position numbers for the four political parties that will participate in next year’s February 28 Senate election.

The draw was witnessed by Buddhist patriarchs, NEC members, representatives from Constitutional Council, standing lawmakers and senators, and representatives from each of the four parties.

NEC secretary-general Tep Nytha announced that the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) had been drawn in the first spot, with the Khmer Will Party in the second, the royalist FUNCINPEC in the third and the Nation Power Party in the fourth.

“The draw ensured a just process and transparency for all parties. Each party’s position will be printed on the ballot papers for the 5th Senate mandate,” he said.

“These numbers will be useful for the parties to use in their election campaigns, both for the candidates and for the voters,” he added.

Fifty-eight senators will be elected in the February elections. In addition, King Norodom Sihamoni will nominate two senators, as will the National Assembly, meaning the legislative body will have the 62 senators required by law.

Citing the official voter lists, NEC chairman Prach Chan explained that the ballot papers will be cast by a total 11,747 eligible voters, each of them lawmakers or members of commune councils across the country.

He said the NEC will print out ballot papers for each of the eight constituencies.

According to the NEC, voter lists for the Senate election will be posted at each station on January 5, with a window for complaints and corrections. The lists will be made official on February 9.