The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) on September 17 held its fourth course on relevant laws and related legal documents for 400 participants, aimed at preparing candidates for civil service exams within the agency.

ACU spokesperson Soy Chanvichet noted that the ACU holds educational sessions every weekend. A preceding workshop held on September 16 attracted 300 attendees.

“The purpose is to supplement fundamental information for candidates preparing for the exams,” he said, adding that the training also serves to share knowledge with the public who are interested in ACU’s work.

The ACU has been providing such training courses since the passing of the new anti-corruption law by the National Assembly, with more than 3,600 individuals having participated to date.

Chanvichet said the step-by-step approach to teaching has been due to limitations on space and the availability of ACU trainers. He pointed out that the number of learners has remained consistent, indicating high levels of interest and engagement.

He further noted that feedback on the ACU’s social media page has been overwhelmingly positive. Most comments commend the unit for offering high-quality courses free of charge, which also includes a meal and an official voucher of attendance.

“Many trainees, including monks, appreciate gaining both insight and a certificate,” he said.

Venerable monk Pen Keo Mony Kong of Wat Ounalom in Phnom Penh, who took part in the session, told The Post he had previously participated in short courses between 2013 and 2017 as a volunteer observer for high school exams. He noted that he had learned about four main areas including anti-corruption law, criminal law and observation procedures.