After a remarkable three-month journey, fundraising cyclist Tiv Dararith peddled his way into the hearts of many, completing his Southeast Asian tour on August 26.

The youthful volunteer began his mission on May 31, cycling over 9,000 km across six countries to raise almost $60,000 for the Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap.

As he rolled up in front of the hospital, Dararith was met with enthusiastic cheers from doctors, fellow cyclists, and the general public.

“When I first embarked on my mission, I aimed to raise $50,000 by cycling nearly 10,000 kilometres,” Dararith told The Post on August 28. “By the end of the day, I raised almost $60,000”.

Though understandably happy with his success, Dararith emphasised the continued need for public contributions to help the hospital carry out its life-saving work for children.

“I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported and donated to help Cambodian children. Your participation means the world to those in need,” he said.

Sin Ket Arun, the fundraising director for Angkor Hospital for Children, spoke warmly of the community’s response. Hospital staff had cycled together from Srah Srang reservoir near Angkor Wat to welcome Dararith.

She confirmed that the hospital would announce the results of the fundraiser promptly.

“We express our deepest gratitude to Dararith for his extraordinary efforts and to all the generous donors who have supported this cause,” she added.

According to Ket Arun, the hospital tends to more than 400 children per day, focusing primarily on those with long-term illnesses such as cancer, kidney disease, and encephalopathy. These are conditions that demand considerable time, attention, and financial resources for treatment.

Angkor Hospital for Children has been a beacon of hope for the last 20 years. This non-profit organisation is dedicated to providing high-quality, compassionate healthcare to children, irrespective of their financial circumstances. Their mission aligns with a broader vision for equitable healthcare across Cambodia, emphasising that no child should be left behind.

Dararith’s two-wheeled odyssey through Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore has not only generated much-needed funds but also shone a spotlight on the pivotal role community initiatives play in healthcare.

His tireless pedalling and steadfast resolve have captivated a nation, inspiring others to take small but meaningful actions that create a ripple effect of change.

As the young cyclist rests his feet and reflects on the journey, the wheels of progress keep turning at Angkor Hospital for Children, fuelled by the generosity of Dararith and countless others.

After all, the road to better healthcare is long, but as Dararith has shown, every kilometre counts.