"Son Under the Full Moon”, chronicling the life and struggles of former Prime Minister Hun Sen, finished filming recently and hosted its official closing ceremony on October 9, with Hun Sen presiding.

Huy Veasna, chairman of the production committee, recalled at the gathering that the film, touted as the costliest historical series ever produced in Cambodia, commenced shooting in early February 2022 and wrapped up in mid-August of this year. Over the span of 19 months, the committee managed to shoot 1,296 scenes, covering the entire narrative.

"Son Under the Full Moon” delves into the real-life stories of Samdech Techo Hun Sen and Samdech Kittipritthbandit Bun Rany Hun Sen,” he said, addressing Hun Sen and his wife by their royal honorific. “Funded directly by [Hun Sen], the film had a production budget of $5,276,400."

Hun Sen commended the director, technical crew and the cast for their dedication and hard work at the event.

"If the drama captured every historical detail, it could span over 300 episodes with characters we couldn't even begin to count. However, financial constraints limited us.

"The making of the film, encompassing its diverse cast and geographical needs, was challenging. Because of Cambodia's development, replicating historical events for [the series] proved demanding," he said.

He also paid tribute to individuals who passed away during the film's production, including his brother Hun Neng and sister-in-law Bun Sotha, expressing sorrow that they could not watch the finished series.

"I'm genuinely pleased with the outcome. Though it might not capture everything, I urge everyone not to produce multiple accounts of my life's history. Use this film as the foundation for understanding my journey. My primary concern is history being swayed by individual interpretations, deviating from actual events," he said.