With the launch of the Wat Phnom and Tuol Kork branches, Wing Bank is bringing its services even closer to customers

Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc has officially launched two more new branches in Phnom Penh, at Wat Phnom and Tuol Kork.

The branches were opened in the esteemed presence of HE Rath Sovannorak, assistant governor of the National Bank of Cambodia and director-general of Banking Supervision, Neak Oknha Kith Meng, chairman of Wing Bank and CEO of Royal Group of Companies, and other distinguished guests.

“I hope Wing Bank will bring cutting-edge technology and more financial products in line with new innovations in financial technology to meet the current and future demands of customers, and continue supporting the development of the banking sector in Cambodia,” said HE Rath Sovannorak.

Wing Bank has been expanding rapidly, particularly since its official launch as a commercial bank in April 2021.

The bank opened its Independence Monument and Sen Sok branches in Phnom Penh in March this year, and its Sihanoukville branch on August 18.

The opening of the Wat Phnom and Tuol Kork branches now expands its banking network to five strategic locations in the capital, in addition to the current Wing Bank Headquarters located along Monivong Boulevard in Boeung Keng Kang III.

“Wing Bank aims to make life better and more convenient for all Cambodians. I humbly believe the opening of these new branches is another positive step towards this goal,” said Neak Oknha Kith Meng.

The Wat Phnom branch, located within walking distance of Central Market, and Tuol Kork branch, just in front of Tuol Kork Primary School, both provide quick, secure and convenient access to the full suite of Wing Bank services.

Each branch is well designed, with a spacious parking lot, relaxing waiting areas, cafe lounges and premium meeting rooms. There are also counters providing high-quality services to customers, designed to guarantee comfort and privacy as they fulfil their daily banking needs.

Both new branches offer full banking services from 8am until 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Customers can now visit either branch, where they can consult business loan professionals, open accounts, apply for bank cards, perform money transfers, gain access to digital banking and enjoy many more services.

Han Peng Kwang, the CEO of Wing Bank, said: “The new branches provide access to Wing Bank’s life-changing services with even greater convenience.

“I sincerely believe the citizens living in these areas and beyond will benefit from our increased presence.”

At both new branches, customers will find Wing Bank’s professional and attentive staff ever ready to welcome customers and answer any inquiry.

Customers living and working near these new branches can now make cash deposits and withdrawals, as well as request credit facilities. They can also deposit cheques from any bank free of charge.

Customers can also utilise the premium meeting rooms for meetings and discussions.

During its 14 years of operations, Wing Bank has grown from humble beginnings to a large-scale operation, offering a wide range of financial products and services to improve the lives of Cambodians nationwide.

Despite the challenges faced, most recently the global Covid19 pandemic, Wing Bank has proven its commitment to providing convenient services to its customers, and this will continue as the bank further expands its branch network in the very near future.