The Ministry of Rural Development has conducted a review of the “Techo 100 Village” project and intends to recommend that the government support the implementation of the project. Although the review is still being finalised, the ministry has described the project as “good”, and notes that it is in line with other projects which have been successfully implemented for the past decade.

The review was made after a recent meeting between Minister of Rural Development Chhay Rithisen and Sous Yara, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Information Committee of the National Assembly.

The Techo Village 100 project is a unique new development model that is designed to meet the needs and potential of each village. This includes the use of People-Based Place-Centred (PBPC) rural development methods, using the Techo culture and ideas as its core, explained the information ministry.

The PBPC rural development approach refers to development that mobilises and utilises the full potential of local resources, including natural and human resources, as an important foundation based on population benefits, economic growth potential and on-site development.

“The project aims to promote rural community development through innovative and integrated local leadership across Cambodia's 25 capitals and provinces under a multi-stakeholder framework and public-private partnership programs,” said Yara, during the meeting.

The minister described the continuation of the implementation of the Techo Village 100 project as making a further contribution to the development of mixed villages, peace villages and model villages that the rural development ministry is currently implementing, according to rural development ministry spokesman Pit Karuna.

He explained that the ministry is currently conducting a final review of the project before it submits a policy proposal to the government recommending its implementation. Through the project, at least two villages will be established in each province across the country.

 “One of the major advantages ​​of the project is that it is in line with the model village, so the minister will request that the government approves it,” he said.

“Right now, the minister conducting a final review to determine when the project will be implemented, as well as how to ensure it is sustainable and supports future development. We will not wait long. It is close to being prepared,” he added.

Thirty model villages have been established by the ministry in the past decade, with the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). There are 10 villages in Tbong Khmum province, 10 in Takeo and 10 villages in Kampong Speu provinces, each with different resource potential.

The ministry is planning to establish another 250 model villages. They will assist in the development of infrastructure and provide low-interest rate loans to the local population to assist them in expanding their small-scale businesses.

Model villages are managed by village and community leaders and enjoy rapid socio-economic development and the promotion of education, health and hygiene, explained the spokesman.